On Farm Trial
Many on farm trails were conducted at farmers' field to refine/evaluate the existing technologies by the farmer himself under his own management. Satisfactory results were obtained by the farmers themselves to solve the problem like top borer damage in sugarcane, low yield potential of Wheat and mustard along with optimum seed rate, control of wilt in gram and protein enrich nutrition in children okra and low milk yield of buffaloes. The prophylactic spray to control leaf curl in chilli and tomato and yellow mosaic in okra of suitable insecticides has also been done.
Supply of seed and planting material
To popularize the fruit plantation among farmers of the district an encouraging effort has been made by Krishi Vigyan Kendra quality planting material of fruit trees, vegetable saplings, etc. were made available to farmers and different agencies with full technical guidance. On the other hand quality seed of maize, wheat, gram, coriander, til, fenugreek, etc. produced at instructional farm were sold among the farmers of the district.
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